Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The "Blizzard of the Year"

On Tuesday Utah went into panic mode.
Schools were shutting down, roads were closing, and flights were cancelled.
BYU even shut down campus half a day earlier-something that never happens.
From the emergency news broadcasts, you would think that it was the end of the world.
Officials were urging Utahns to get inside quick and to stay inside.
Emergency preparedness specialists everywhere were pulling out their 72-hour kits.
What was going on you ask?


The storm about to hit Provo was the supposed to be "unlike anything we have seen in years"- direct quote from university communications.
After having a lecture cancelled on Tuesday I hurried home, prepared to get snowed in and hibernate for the next several days with a cup of hot cocoa. 
My fiance and I had plans to hang out that night, but his parents told him not to even think about making the drive out to Orem in fear that his car would not make it up my street and that he would crash and die before we were sealed for time and all eternity.
(That had obviously had good intentions)
We were sad that we were not going to be able to see each other that day, but obviously the freakish blizzard called for some caution. 

What was the actual result of the storm of the century?
Maybe a 1/2 inch of snow....maybe.
By the way people were reacting, you would think that it had never snowed in Utah before. 
It snows every year people- a whole lot more than this.
Every teenager in Utah has figured out how to drive in the snow before they even graduate from high school. 

Luckily, my fiance realized this before the night was over and came to visit me.
Our night was salvaged, regardless of the most hyped up weather reports of the century.
The reaction to the fact that it was going to snow was what was "unlike anything we have seen in years".
Haha. The End.

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