Friday, November 12, 2010

The Joys of Registering...

Getting married really is a good business.
Its a win-win situation. 
You get ridiculous amounts of love and ridiculous amounts of free stuff.
It's like Christmas, only better.

Another fun aspect of getting all this free stuff is that you get to pick out most of it.
AKA you register.
I have come to realize though over the last few weeks after registering at three different locations,  that registering is a very different experience for men and women.
This came to as a surprise for me.
Registering was something I had always looked forward to and I was quite shocked to realize that my fiance did not quite feel the same way.

You see, women view registering as a magical thing.
You get to wander around a wonderland of things you never knew you needed and it is possible for you to pick them all!
With every item your excitement grows,as does the idea of all the memories you will soon be creating.
You think of the meals you will be cooking for your hubby as you register for your non-stick pans, of the fabulous dinner parties you will be throwing with your brand new bone china, and of the beautiful bouquets your husband will bring you to fill this gorgeous crystal vase.
As you can imagine, registering for future brides is basically the best thing that has happened to you since getting a sparkly new ring on your left hand.

For men on the other hand, registering is somewhat of a painful experience.
It is something that you can't get out of because your fiance insists that she "wants you to be involved" and "wants to experience this together."
But despite what she may say, you both know that your opinion means next to nothing in this process.
She is going to pick out what she wants, and it is your job to agree with everything she says and not question why she needs all the kitchen utensils to be color coordinated.
Registering does have a few things going for it-
like the registering laser gun you can run around the store and pretend to be James Bond with, the steak knives, and the free cookies-but all in all it is draining experience.
It means hours and hours of shopping and you don't even get to bring anything home with you.

Men and women really are two very different breeds.
Register for at least an hour and this will become clear.
Tips for future brides: Before you go to register, pack snacks in your purse.
They will give your fiancee a desperately needed energy boost :)

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